A Future-Forward LED Solution for Transforming Commercial Spaces

The Clear Canvas M series is StandardVision’s new ultra- transparent, holographic LED display to revolutionize commercial space design concepts. This future-forward technology offers a unique opportunity to captivate audiences and make a lasting impression on consumers.

Boasting superior brightness, unparalleled transparency, and easy installation, Clear Canvas offers limitless opportunities for elevated shared experiences and engaging, immersive activations.


Ultra-Clear Glass Media Facade

90% transparent and easily mounted to glass, Clear Canvas is ideally suited for indoor window applications. The display surface can be spliced left or right, up or down, to completely fill all commercial windows, glass curtain walls, and additional interior applications.


Shaping the Future of Retail

Clear Canvas is the ultimate lightweight and easy- to-install solution for commercial activations, branded pop-ups, experiential advertising, and immersive experiences.

    • Transparent - Clear Canvas is fabricated without a structural skeleton, providing edge to edge ultra-high visual transparency at 90% when applied to glass.
    • Light - A thin and beautiful, professional aesthetic design, the lightweight facade is a mere 6kg/square meter.
    • Flexible - Standard modules can be bent, cut, and used flexibly; the ideal solution for curved glass and uniquely shaped facades.
    • Thin - With a surface thickness of less than 2mm, Clear Canvas can be seamlessly mounted onto transparent glass.

The Remote App + Dashboard

Enjoy the convenience of curating your content queue, canvas brightness, and sleep schedule directly from the Remote App.

    • Upload content directly via the Dashboard, hosted on a secure private network
    • Clear Canvas is designed to operate 24/7, can play over 25 hours of video, and store up to 1,000 video or still files

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